Highlands Cinemas

Fall Message 2023

Another season has come and gone. The spring and early summer season was scary to say the least with a substantial decrease in revenues. Then along came Barbie and she did right the ship. There was a private screening of Matt Finlin’s The Movie Man, which was beautifully done & well received. Matt got a lengthy standing ovation for his work. It was produced by Karen Barzilay, & executive producer Ed Robertson flew in for the screening. Many of Matt’s friends contributed to help him get the Movie done. This was the culmination of a 5 year project on Matt’s part. I was presented with a Gumpy Cat T shirt, things will never be the same again!! We will screen the film in the spring. The Theatres are being buffeted by streaming, writers & actors strikes, Hollywood cutting back on product, and lack of ability to take the pulse of the movie going public. Time will tell what 2024 holds. I also want to thank everyone who went out of their way to express how much they appreciate and value the Theatre. Your sentiment was heart warming & very much appreciated.

I want to thank all those who made donations to our now 45 resident cats, especially those who continue to donate year after year. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. There was a memorable moment when a little girl worked for a week, and donated her wages along with a hand written note to the cats. She didn’t provide a name, but you know who you are, and we are grateful for your thoughtfulness. We lost Madge to Cancer. Tiger passed away in his sleep at the ripe old age of 21. Hard to believe I was 55, when I adopted him. Jack a new arrival last fall, jumped out of his house last week during feeding, I wasn’t able to get him back in that night, and was unaware that we now have coyotes in the village. He was killed by one later that evening.

Now that they are here, a quite a few cats have been killed in the community, and the feral population is rapidly disappearing. A reminder that cats should not be allowed to roam freely. Since coyotes can jump a 7 ft fence, it will be necessary to spend a considerable amount of money to put a wire pen roof over 3 pens, including Left Behind Lane, which is 30 X 40 ft.

That is all for now, wishing you a pleasant winter, Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year. Hope to see you all back in the spring At The Movies! Keith

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