Well another year has passed, not exactly as planned to say the least. It seems strange to have gone thru what would have been our 41st season, with the theatre closed and boarded up, no people around, the grass overgrown, and the movie posters from 2019 Thanksgiving still fading in the cases. The simple fact is the Theatre can’t run profitably without our customer base of Tourists, Locals, Camps and Schools. Further we can’t generate revenue with social distancing, the extra costs of Covid 19, and without Hollywood blockbusters. Not to mention that Theatres that did try to open found the majority of customers unwilling to sit in a Theatre with other people at this time. To open the door is around $30,000.00 which if we spend we have to have a reasonable chance of recovering and actually make money. To make matters worse all our stock left over from 2019 is now history.
Staying closed isn’t cheap either. It will take around $65,000.00 to go thru a year without income. We still have a mortgage from the Digital Conversion, taxes, hydro, insurance, & maintenance to deal with. We also had to spend money dealing with humidity issues in the Theatre this summer with the AC not running. Then there is the care for our 42 resident cats. I want to express my gratitude that you didn’t forget the cats this year, and want to thank everyone who made donations of money and food etc. towards their care. It was greatly appreciated, and humbling to say the least.
When I started this journey I accepted the fact we would loose the 2020 season, and hopefully re-open in 2021. Unfortunately this is looking less and less likely. It is generally accepted that the restrictions will not be lifted, and customers prepared to again go to the movies until a vaccine is found and 75% of the population is vaccinated. Projections optimistically are towards the end of 2021, since we are seasonal this means short of a miracle we stand to loose a second season. Loosing one season is one thing, loosing two is a whole other challenge. It also raises the question what will the business look like when we do get to reopen? There is also the nightmare of trying to find staff, which has been difficult thru the last decade, as we will be starting from scratch.
We are exploring several avenues forward, but more than anything else, timing will be the deciding factor. Customers have been offering various suggestions to help, from seat sales, season ticket offerings, and a Go Fund Me Page. It is hard to say if any of this would work. In the meantime I have been spending my time preparing to declutter 40 years. In 2012 we started making a list of MOVIE POSTERS to sell. That List will be finalized by Christmas, so if you are interested email keithstata@nexicom.net for a copy when complete. Persons who have already inquired will be receiving emails as well as all the emails are currently on file. IF YOU ARE BUILDING YOUR OWN HOME THEATRE, we have lots of props to decorate it for sale, from full size 35mm Theatre Projectors, vintage Theatre seats, reels, film, and a number of Theatre Popcorn Machines we have in storage. For further information call Keith at 705 488 2199, or email keithstata@nexicom.net
Stay turned for more updates as time goes on. Stay well, Stay safe. Keith